A temporary bout of seriousness

Hello, folks. You know, in the last couple of weeks, I’ve posted a lot of silliness, and talked stupid about a variety of topics. Today will be no different, right after this post. I have a bit to say about the health care debate. Feel free to skip to the funny, but I’d appreciate if you read on.

Here in Arizona, the budget crisis has caused the state legislature to slash deeply into a host of services provided by the state. Among those are KidsCare and AHCCCS, which provide health care for low income children and children/adults, respectively. Rather than even consider mentioning the option of raising taxes, thousands of children and even more adults whose only crime is not being able to afford health insurance will be denied basic health care. But, you know, those kids could just get jobs, right? Lazy kids.

Across the country, and especially in Washington, the health care debate is coming to a head. The health care reform bill is coming up for a vote. I’m not going to try to convince you one way or the other, because it’s not really an issue one can be on the fence about. Either you’re sure that health reform is a necessary change, or you’re convinced it’s going to cause even further economic tailspin. All I will tell you is this: If not for AHCCCS and KidsCare, my wife might just be dead, and my child might have been institutionalized. Instead, they are happy and (reasonably) healthy. I would gladly pay more in taxes not only for my family to have good health care, but your family as well. If I could direct my taxes to go where I wanted, I would likely direct them all to health care, and possibly to internet infrastructure. You know, for the blogging.

One last thing: Keith Olbermann, whose Countdown show provides a platform for him to address news and events from his generally left-leaning viewpoint. On October 7th, 2009, he devoted his entire hour to one of his “Special Comments” to address the health care issue. The “Special Comment” segments are his especially passionate monologues addressing issues and people who he feels are especially in need of change. His comment dealt with the health care system, the stranglehold of the insurance companies, and his father’s illness. It’s an amazing, heartfelt piece of rhetoric, and I think everyone should see it. The MSNBC site has the transcript of his commentary, with a link to the video (link) so you can watch for yourself.

Tomorrow: silly stuff. Thanks for getting this far.

Published in: on March 18, 2010 at 11:31 pm  Comments (2)